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The Ginger People

The Ginger People


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For more than 30 years, The Ginger People have dedicated themselves to promoting the healing powers of ginger. Inspired by the root’s incredible health benefits, the brand produces products with short ingredient labels for simple, yet powerful, ginger-based products.

Having been used throughout centuries of traditional medicine, ginger is... a known superhero in the world of herbal remedies. Used for a range of common ailments and illnesses, The Ginger People are bringing ginger into your everyday life so that you can benefit from its healing power, even when you’re not full of cold!

When was the company founded?

Established in 1984, The Ginger People began its mission to produce the world’s finest range of natural and organic ginger products. Today, the brand remains a family-owned, socially conscious, and health-focused business.

Using small-scale farms that employ sustainable farming methods, the brand is working to reduce its carbon footprint and is slowly expanding into other, ginger related root products, like turmeric.

Are The Ginger People’s products organic?

Yes! The Ginger People use only certified organic ingredients in their products, meaning you can experience the healing benefits of ginger without a side order of chemical residue!

Organic farming ensures that no chemical pesticides, fertilisers, or other growth agents can be used in the cultivation process, protecting you and the earth from the negative effects of the leftovers of these compounds.

What products do The Ginger People specialise in?

The Ginger People specialise in a range of incredible ginger products, from ginger sweets and syrup to minced ginger and pickled sushi ginger. In addition, The Ginger People now include turmeric products in their line, such as turmeric juice.

The Ginger People want to encourage others to experience the incredible healing powers of ginger and its root relatives, like turmeric.

All products are free from artificial flavourings, colours, and preservatives and are strictly non-GMO. The Ginger People are committed to offering products to those who have specific dietary requirements, and offer gluten-free and vegan products in their range.

What main ingredients do The Ginger People use?

Ginger is the main ingredient in The Ginger People’s products. Ginger has been used in traditional medicine for years and is known to have a range of healing properties, including treating nausea, supporting the digestive system, and lowering cholesterol levels.

An extensive range of The Ginger People’s products can be found on our site. Why not take a look today.