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Spreads are a great way to liven up your morning toast, add additional flavour to your sandwich, and bring nutrition to your mid-afternoon snacks. Each of the spreads we have chosen for our range comes with several health benefits, making them nutritious and delicious. We’ve curated this range from a variety of incredible brands, including Food to Nourish, Turban Chopsticks, and Grounded, that bring innovative and inspired products to the table. Browse our range and find everything from peanut butter and... almond spread to cashew and lemon spreads. We’ve made sure that a range of dietary requirements are catered for too, meaning you can shop products that are gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan when you shop with us today.

We’ve chosen these products to be a part of our range of spreads because we believe that they can support our customers in following a healthier lifestyle. Each product comes packed with micro and macro-nutrients and promotes health and wellbeing in all who consume them. We work with brands that focus on natural and organic products, meaning that these products are clean, safe, and healthy. Organic farming methods mean that these spreads are guaranteed not to be contaminated with chemical residue that can be harmful to human health, as chemical pesticides and fertilisers cannot be used in organic farming. The products we have selected promote healthy soil and positive farming methods, so every spread we offer supports the health of the planet while supporting your health too.

We offer a huge range of inspired spreads for you to choose from, so browse our collection today and find a product to invigorate your tastebuds and kickstart a new, healthy you.


Is peanut butter good for you?

Peanut butter is a great source of protein and a range of micronutrients, including vitamin E, manganese, magnesium, and vitamin B6. It is high in calories but contains a lot of ‘good’ fats. While peanut butter can be a great addition to a balanced diet, some conventional brands add oils to peanut butter which increases the number of trans fats and calories in the spread. It is best to shop for natural peanut butter to avoid unnecessary calories in your product.

Is tahini healthier than peanut butter?

Tahini and peanut butter have virtually the same nutritional value, though peanut butter does have a slightly higher protein content. Both spreads contain B vitamins and vitamin E, among other micronutrients. The two spreads are very similar and can offer a range of health benefits. Tahini is a better option for those with nut allergies and intolerances, though both are gluten-free. Peanut butter can sometimes have added oils in mainstream products and so it is best to shop for natural versions of the spread.

Which nut butter is healthiest?

Nut butters are a fantastic way of adding protein and nutrients into your diet. The healthiest nut butter you can consume, according to experts, is almond butter. Almond butter has high protein content, boasting 7g per two tablespoons, and is packed full of micro-nutrients like vitamin E, magnesium, and calcium.