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The Best 3 Multivitamins for Men of 2022

The Best 3 Multivitamins for Men of 2022

Multivitamins for men are one of the best dietary supplements that men can take to boost their health along with a balanced diet. Multivitamins usually contain all the essential vitamins your body requires to give your body the boost it needs each day.

With newly formulated multivitamins that are designed with men's biology in mind, using a multivitamin that is catered to your body is the best option for multivitamins these days. A multivitamin stops you needing to take multiple different supplements, like vitamin C, iron, and zinc, and combines them all into one easy capsule.

Dietary vitamin and mineral supplements are best used alongside a healthy diet and any healthcare professional would advise you not to take a multivitamin for men in lieu of a healthy diet.

We've been doing a bit of research into multivitamins for men and we've gathered it all here for you to take a look at. To find out more about what kind of vitamins you need, what you can get from your diet, what you may need to get from a supplement, and the best multivitamin products on the market, keep reading now and find out more.

The Best 3 Multivitamins for Men of 2022

What are multivitamins for men?

Multivitamins are usually a capsule or tablet that contains multiple different vitamins and minerals that supports general health as well as energy production, immune system health, and heart health, among others.

There is no regulation on what can and can't be a multivitamin and what should or should not be in it, which means you need to check the ingredients to find out for yourself. When it comes to specific multivitamins for men, the general idea is that they will support men's health.

Men's multivitamins tend to contain vitamins and minerals that men are most likely to be deficient in. They are catered to the way men's bodies work and while a general multivitamin is good for you, one specific to your gender and age will likely be better.

Multivitamins can be incredibly handy and cut down on the need for any other vitamin or mineral supplement. Being all in one capsule means that you only have to take one dietary supplement a day to stay on top of your health.

Some people may think that by taking a multivitamin they have solved the question of health and do not need to follow a healthy diet but this is untrue. Following a healthy diet is the single best way to get all of the vitamins and minerals that you need and taking a multivitamin is just filling in any gaps you may have missed.

Who should take a multivitamin for men?

So, who should take a multivitamin for men?

Multivitamins for men are, obviously, designed for men but not all men necessarily need to take them. There is no harm in taking them daily, but there are some groups of people who should be taking multivitamins daily. These groups include:

  • Older men - The elderly are at more risk of a poor diet due to the inability to digest or chew as much as well as medications that can suppress appetite. Loneliness, very common in older people, may also suppress appetite and older people tend to have more trouble absorbing some vitamins, like vitamin B12.
  • Those with malabsorption conditions - Any who suffers from celiac disease, ulcerative colitis, or cystic fibrosis may need to take a multivitamin. Similarly, anyone who has had gastric bypass surgery, who has an illness or takes medication that causes vomiting or diarrhea, and any who suffers from alcoholism, should also take one. This is because these conditions can result in a lack of absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  • People taking certain medications - Some medications can lead to depletion of vitamins and minerals in the body. For example, some diuretics deplete stores of magnesium, potassium, and calcium while some acid reflux medications can stop the absorption of B12, calcium and magnesium. Speak with a health professional if you're concerned about your medications and their impact on mineral intake, they will advise you on supplements you should be taking.
  • Those on restricted diets - Whether restricted because of choice, like those who are vegan or vegetarian, or because of intolerances and allergies, like those who follow dairy-free or gluten-free diets, a restrictive diet may decrease your chances of getting some necessary vitamins.

The Best 3 Multivitamins for Men of 2022

Why should I take vitamin and mineral supplements?

Taking multivitamins is, of course, a personal choice, but they do come with a lot of benefits. Benefits of taking supplements include:

  • Filling in the vitamin and mineral gaps that your diet misses - This can mean helping to keep levels steady when you don't eat well for a few days, or if you don't particularly like certain foods.
  • Lowering risks of cardiovascular disease - There is some evidence to suggest that multivitamins can support heart health and help to lower your risks of developing heart disease. Multivitamins contain vitamins and minerals that support good heart health and functioning.
  • Could reduce risk of cancer - Some evidence suggests that daily multivitamin doses may decrease your risk of developing cancer.
  • Could improve brain function - Certain vitamins present in multivitamins are integral to brain function and so adding them into your daily routine could boost your brain function.
  • Can reduce mental health symptoms - It is thought that certain vitamins and minerals in multivitamins could reduce the symptoms of mental health conditions like anxiety and depression.
  • Supports good eye health - Taking a multivitamin may help to reduce your risk of cataracts and taking antioxidant vitamin supplements can improve general eye health.

Which vitamins are we most likely to be deficient in?

Multivitamins should help to cover common vitamin deficiencies. These common deficiencies differ from men to women, and sometimes by age too. The most common vitamins for us to be deficient in are as follows:

  • Iron - Though mostly likely in women, iron deficiency is also high in those who do not eat meat and dairy. Iron deficiency can lead to fatigue and impaired brain function.
  • Iodine - This mineral plays an important role in thyroid function but poor soil quality has led to deficiencies in this mineral in many.
  • Vitamin D - This is particularly common in those living in places with less sunlight and those who do not go outside often. Vitamin D is notoriously hard to get from food and so sunlight is the only option. With the importance of sunscreen and staying out of the sun, many are deficient in this vital vitamin.
  • Vitamin B12 - Almost all vegetarians and vegans will find they have lowered levels of this vitamin and at least 20% of older people do not get enough. This is partly because B12 is very difficult to absorb but also because it is really only found in meat and dairy.
  • Vitamin A - Those on a Western diet are at most risk of being deficient in vitamin A as it is not present in many popular foods. Deficiency can be bad for eye health as well as immune function.
  • Magnesium - A low intake of magnesium is associated with a range of health conditions but is a commonly deficient mineral in many.

What vitamins do I need to get from my multivitamin for men?

In a multivitamin, you expect to find a range of different vitamins and minerals, but there are a few you should look out for. A multivitamin should contain:

  • Vitamin D - As we earlier discussed, this is a difficult vitamin to come by which is why many take a supplement. Ensure your multivitamin contains it. Vitamin D is necessary for the body for calcium absorption for good bone health. Not getting enough can lead to more sickness, bone pain, and bone and hair loss.
  • Magnesium - This mineral is vital to the body and supports bone health, energy production, stress reduction, regulates muscle and nerve function as well as balances blood sugar levels.
  • Calcium - This mineral is needed for good bone health and strong teeth.
  • Zinc - Most people who experience lots of stress will find that their zinc levels are low. It is important in immune function in the body and also helps with energy production.
  • Iron - This mineral is needed less by men but is still necessary. It helps to increase energy and brain function and supports healthy red blood cells.
  • Folate - Though usually prescribed to pregnant women, it is actually necessary for non-pregnant women and men too. Folate helps to reduce inflammation and can help with symptoms of depression.

The Best 3 Multivitamins for Men of 2022

Which vitamins can I get from a balanced diet?

You should actually be able to get almost all of the essential vitamins and minerals from a healthy and well-balanced diet. The best kind of diet is one which contains lots of plant foods, like grains, beans, pulses, nuts and seeds, and fruit and veg. While some vitamins may be harder to come by, most can be found in the food we eat.

Which vitamins may I need from dietary supplements?

As we've acknowledged, some vitamins and minerals may be more difficult to get from food and so you need to ensure you're getting the right foods in your diet to keep your vitamin and mineral levels healthy. Below we've listed the hardest vitamins and minerals to get from food and the kind of foods you should eat to ensure you get them!

  • Vitamin D - Though sunlight is your best option, foods that contain vitamin D include egg yolks, fatty fish, red meat, and fortified foods, like alternative milk and cereal.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids - To get these essential fatty acids you should opt for fatty and oily fish. (You could also consider a cod liver oil supplement.)
  • Magnesium - For this mineral, you're going to need to up your leafy green game and get the spinach and kale in. You can also eat more brown rice, pumpkin seeds, and cashews too.
  • Vitamin K - This is another mineral that calls for leafy greens like kale and spinach. You should also eat these alongside oil for better absorption.
  • Iodine - This mineral is easy to get from seaweed! Try out the different varieties of seaweed snacks on offer, including sea salt and teriyaki flavours.
  • Vitamin B12 - A difficult vitamin for vegans and vegetarians, your best place to find B12 is in milk, cheese, fish, and meat.

The best multivitamin for men's health

So, we've talked your ear off about how great multivitamins are and now, here are our three favourite multivitamin products for men. Check them out below.

Henry Blooms IntelliVit Multivitamin for Men

This one-a-day multivitamin from Henry Blooms contains a huge range of essential vitamins and minerals. These include B vitamins, vitamin D, E, and K, magnesium, selenium, and calcium, as well as CoQ10 and Lycopene.

This multivitamin is designed to boost energy production and exercise performance while also assisting in stress relief, supporting muscle maintenance and repair, and protecting against free radical damage. It also supports a healthy reproductive system and assists with good stamina levels.

Price: $38.45

Size: 60 tablets

Activated Nutrients Top Up Men's Superfood Multivitamin

This certified organic superfood multivitamin blend from Activated Nutrients is a little different to other multivitamins. It comes in the form of a powder and is a nutrient-rich mix of plant-derived vitamins and minerals.

This wholefood blend contains antioxidants, prebiotics, and probiotics, as well as enzymes, vitamins and minerals that support energy production and vitality in men. This supplement is designed to improve performance in men.

Price: $20.00 - $68.00

Size: 56g - 224g

Herbs of Gold Men's Multi

This specially formulated multivitamin for men from Herbs of Gold is designed to assist with a healthy response to stress and energy production and contains a range of vitamins and minerals as well as ginseng and Tribulus.

This vitamin includes B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium, and zinc as well as many other ingredients that boost and support men's health.

Price: $26.95 - $45.95

Size: 30 - 60 tablets

Final thoughts

When it comes to whether or not to take a multivitamin, it's all down to personal choice. We think a multivitamin for men is a great way of boosting your health and covering any vitamins and minerals you miss from your diet.

Always check the label of your multivitamin and ensure it comes from clean sources and contains the right vitamins and minerals for your body. Speak with a health professional if you're concerned about any vitamin deficiencies.

Check out our full range of health supplements on our site now to find out more.

The Best 3 Multivitamins for Men of 2022

Frequently Asked Questions

Which multivitamin is best for men?

The best multivitamin is the one that is catered to your gender and age range. For men, multivitamins for men are designed specifically for male biology and are therefore the best option for their health. Multivitamins tend to contain a few key vitamins and minerals but needs differ across age and gender so picking a capsule catered to you will help you feel your best.

Is it good for men to take a multivitamin? 

While it is not necessary for everyone to take a multivitamin, it will not harm you to try. Multivitamins can help to fill any of the vitamin and mineral gaps that you miss in your diet. There are some men who should take a multivitamin and these include those who are on restrictive diets, those who have certain medical conditions or take certain medications, and older men. These groups will likely be directed by a healthcare professional on the kind of multivitamin to take.

Is it good to take a multivitamin every day?

If you choose to take a multivitamin you should take it consistently each day. This means your vitamin and mineral levels will remain balanced throughout your week and you won't experience sudden drops in vital vitamins and minerals. A multivitamin is great if you're feeling under the weather and can help boost your health if you haven't been eating well too. While not everyone needs to take a multivitamin, it will not be a problem if you do. Note that a multivitamin is not a replacement for a healthy diet.

Are multivitamins safe? 

Multivitamins are totally safe to take daily and should not harm your health if taken as directed. You should never exceed the state dose of any multivitamin and be aware of taking other vitamin and mineral supplements alongside your multivitamin as this could result in an overdose of certain minerals which can be harmful to your health.

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